Proud son & a proud dad walking side by side at Portland Pride © Who am I? Why am I different? I am most certainly not what anyone else is expecting me to be like. Especially, if you are not affected directly or indirectly.įor many of the LGBTQ+ community who were born the way they are, (un)fortunately different than expected, it all starts with becoming slowly aware, that something odd is going on with oneself: Be it the urge of dressing differently than expected from birth given gender identity, be it the inner feeling of falling in love with the same gender, be it the certainty of knowing that one would rather identify with the opposite gender rather than the gender given in the birth certificate. And honestly, how could they? If you’d never had to question yourself or have been made aware that your role in our society can be different from the present status (like many LGBTQ+ had to), it is a very difficult thing to grasp. For many members of the LGBTQ+ community, be it lesbian, gay, trans, intersexual, queer, and for us, the word PRIDE has an additional meaning many people in our society’s white hetero norm wouldn’t even be thinking of, let alone, understand. Everyone can be proud of something they achieved, be it personally in relationships, professionally at work, or individually because of a personal success story.